I answer questions 

You have watched one of my videos or read one of my blog posts and would like to speak to me? Great, you have the following options to choose from:

1. A 30 minute conversation. During this time I can briefly answer any questions you have for me. Price: USD 100 (around Euro 95,00).

2. A 60 minute conversation. It includes: a detailed answer to your questions about the Andrew Cutler Protocol, heavy metal poisoning and nutrition. Price: USD 150 (around Euro 145,00)

Additionally, you can request a detailed written report. Price: USD 100 (around Euro 95.00).

Two important notes:

1. I am a licensed naturopath, but I no longer work as such. This means that you cannot have my services billed through insurance.

2. Dear vegans: If you follow a vegan diet for ethical or other reasons, I am most likely not the right person for you.

If you have become vegan purely for health reasons and you are open to reconsider them, I look forward to your call.

I look forward to speaking with you!